In 2003, Rhino Home Entertainment released both seasons of
The Monkees television series on digital video disc (DVD), fully restored from original 35mm interpositive film elements for superb film quality, digitally remastered and uncut with every scene, just as they were originally presented on NBC from 1966-68.
Postscriptum: As of this writing, the sets are no longer available. Here is a breakdown of just which episodes were on which disc:
The Monkees - Season One
Rhino R2 976076
Color; 720 minutes; $89.95
Released: May 13th, 2003

The complete first season (Sept. 12, 1966 - Sept. 4, 1967) of The Monkees television series:
(*denotes episode contains original Kellogg's sponsor billboard)
Disc 1:
- The Royal Flush
- Monkee See, Monkee Die
- Monkee Versus Machine
- Your Friendly Neighborhood Kidnappers
- The Spy Who Came In From The Cool
- The Success Story
Disc 2:
- The Monkees In A Ghost Town*
- Don't Look A Gift Horse In The Mouth
- The Chaperone*
- Here Come The Monkees (Original Pilot Film)
- Monkees A La Carte
- I've Got A Little Song Here
Disc 3:
- One Man Shy (a.k.a. Peter And The Debutante)
- Dance, Monkees, Dance
- Too Many Girls (a.k.a. Davy And Fern)
- The Son Of A Gypsy
- The Case Of The Missing Monkee
- I Was A Teenage Monster*
Disc 4:
- Find The Monkees (a.k.a. The Audition)
- The Monkees In The Ring*
- The Prince And The Paupers
- The Monkees At The Circus
- Captain Crocodile
- Monkees A La Mode*
Disc 5:
- Alias Micky Dolenz
- Monkees Chow Mein
- Monkee Mother
- The Monkees On The Line*
- The Monkees Get Out More Dirt
- The Monkees In Manhattan (a.k.a. The Monkees Manhattan Style)*
Disc 6:
- The Monkees At The Movies
- The Monkees On Tour*
- Special Features
- Commentary Tracks:
- Audio commentaries on Episode 1 by director James Frawley and David Jones
- Audio commentaries on Episode 3 by Peter Tork and Monkees creator Robert Rafelson
- Audio commentaries on Episode 10 by Michael Nesmith and Peter Tork
- Audio commentary on Episode 12 by Michael Nesmith
- Audio commentary on Episode 14 by director James Frawley
- Audio commentary on Episode 15 by David Jones
- Audio commentaries on Episode 32 by Michael Nesmith, Peter Tork and songwriter Bobby Hart
- 16mm version of The Monkees' 1965 pilot episode
- Vintage Monkees Kellogg's, Yardley and NBC-TV commercials
- Memorabilia gallery
- Episode Trivia (courtesy of this very website!!)
- Informational booklet
- Full Frame (1.33:1)
- English 5.1 Dolby Digital
- Play song romps feature
- Interview with songwriter Bobby Hart
The Monkees - Season Two
Rhino R2 970128
Color; 675 minutes; $79.98
RELEASED: November 18th, 2003

The complete second season (Sept. 11, 1967 - Sept. 9, 1968) of The Monkees television series:
(*denotes episode contains original Kellogg's sponsor billboard)
Disc 1:
- It's A Nice Place To Visit...*
- The Picture Frame (a.k.a. The Bank Robbery)
- Everywhere A Sheik, Sheik
- Monkee Mayor
- Art For Monkee's Sake*
- I Was A 99-lb. Weakling (a.k.a. "Physical Culture")
Disc 2:
- Hillbilly Honeymoon (a.k.a. Double Barrel Shotgun Wedding)
- The Monkees Marooned
- The Card Carrying Red Shoes
- The Wild Monkees
- A Coffin Too Frequent*
- Hitting The High Seas
Disc 3:
- The Monkees In Texas
- The Monkees On The Wheel
- The Christmas Show
- Fairytale
- The Monkees Watch Their Feet*
- The Monstrous Monkee Mash
Disc 4:
- The Monkee's Paw*
- The Devil And Peter Tork
- The Monkees Race Again (a.k.a. Leave The Driving To Us)*
- The Monkees In Paris (a.k.a. The Paris Show)
- The Monkees Mind Their Manor
- Some Like It Lukewarm (a.k.a. The Band Contest)
Disc 5:
- The Monkees Blow Their Minds*
- Mijacogeo (a.k.a. The Frodis Caper)*
- Special Features
- Commentary Tracks:
- Audio commentary on Episode 44 by David Jones
- Audio commentaries on Episode 48 by Michael Nesmith and Peter Tork
- Audio commentary on Episode 52 by Peter Tork
- Audio commentary on Episode 54 by creator and director, Bob Rafelson
- Audio commentary on Episode 55 by Peter Tork
- Audio commentary on Episode 57 by Michael Nesmith
- Audio commentary on Episode 58 by Micky Dolenz
- Audio commentaries on 33 1/3 Revolutions Per Monkee by Brain Auger and Micky Dolenz
- 1969 NBC-TV Special - 33 1/3 Revolutions Per Monkee
- Photo Gallery
- Vintage footage:
- The Monkees in NYC from NBC News Archives (7/6/67)
- The Monkees on The Glen Cambell Goodtime Hour (2/5/69)
- Interview with the show's editor, Gerry Sheppard
- Easter eggs containing interviews with writer, Coslough Johnson (Episode 37), Billie Hayes (Episode 39), Ruth Buzzi (Episode 43) and Butch Patrick (Episode 47)
- Episode Trivia (also courtesy of this very website!!)
- Informational booklet
- Full Frame (1.33:1)
- English 5.1 Dolby Digital
- Play song romps feature